Seek God's Approval--Galatians 1:10

Most people tend to like it when others like them or the things they do.  Whether it is a spouse commenting on the good job you did cooking dinner, your boss mentioning the hard work you did at a board meeting, or a stranger walking by and commenting on how nice your garden looks, we usually hope others will like what we do and like us.

 But how often do we wonder about whether God approves of us and the things we do?  Sure there are some things that He clearly would approve.  Things such as loving others, helping people in need.  But what about things like how you interact with your friends?  What about the music or shows you watch? 

 This is especially true for pastors.  It can be tough to preach a sermon that may offend someone, but sometimes you have to.  Pastors especially need to remember Paul's words in Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?"

 Seek God's approval first.  Please Him before worrying about pleasing others.    Make Him the focus of your life.  The approval of mortal man is temporary, but God's approval is forever.
