Compassion and Forgiveness--Ephesians 4:32

Every day we have opportunities to decide how we want to treat others.  We can choose to be compassionate or to be cruel.  We can choose kindness or indifference.  We can choose to forgive others or not to forgive them.

 What we choose in those situations depends on several things.  Upbringing, circumstance, and mood can all affect our choice, as can other factors.  But for followers of Christ, the Bible says how we should act.

 First, Ephesians 4:32 says we are to be kind and compassionate to others.  This can be tough sometimes but, if we ask, God can help us to do so.

 It also says that we are to forgive others.  Also something that can be easier said then done.  But it goes on to say that we are to forgive as Christ forgave us!  Jesus forgives no matter what we have done.  While we are unlikely to forgive everyone unconditionally,  we can at least try.

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