Since 1944, Northwood Church (formerly Redwood Falls Assembly of God) has had an impact on the community of Redwood Falls and the surrounding area. The original tenets of the church remain the same today; to reach, teach, and equip people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission.
Our Mission
Our church was established with a passion to lead people to a place of restoration in Jesus Christ, along with discipling new believers, and teaching and encouraging all believers to follow after God wholeheartedly. To authentically reach, teach, and equip people to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire to see those away from God, and those who know God, to draw close to God.
What We Believe
We are affiliated with the Assemblies of God denomination, and abide by the core doctrine of the Assemblies of God church and the 16 Fundamental Truths. For more information, follow the link below.
Northwood Staff Christmas 2023
Core Values
Win Souls to Christ:
Urgently declaring the gospel to a lost world. (Mark 16:15)
Love People:
“We love you, but even better, God loves you! (1 John 4:7-8)
Community Outreach:
Making connections through community fellowship. (1 Peter 4:8-11)
Guiding people to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their relationship with Jesus Christ. (Acts 1:8)
Unwavering Prayer:
Praying continuously for God’s will in all aspects of church and community. (Philippians 4:5-7)
Next Generation Focused:
A safe place for learning about God’s love. (Proverbs 22:6)
Authentic Compassion:
When someone walks through our church doors, we get excited and welcome that person with compassion. God’s desire is that no one would perish, and that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The closer we get to God, the greater our capacity to enlarge our circle of love and find room for more people in our hearts. People come first.
Honest Communication:
We value the power of communicating God’s Word. It is the TRUTH that sets us free (John 8:32). Our Pastors and teachers share with the truth of God’s Word and do so in a way that every generation can understand and receive.
Genuine Community:
We believe that we were not made to do life or church alone. We are called to be a part of a community that is larger than just the church, so we want to do our part outside the walls as well as inside. We invite ALL to experience God’s love and His teachings – as well as our love and friendship.
Solid Core:
Ephesians 4:3 instructs us to endeavor, or work, to keep unity. We desire to be people of humility and kindness and not allow offenses to take root. According to Acts 2:1, the early church was all together and in one accord. Our board will not take action unless there is agreement and unity. We desire to believe the best about our brothers and sisters and not gossip or talk about others in a negative way.