Have No Idols--Leviticus 19:4

We have a tendency to turn things into idols.

 We do so by focusing on things other then God.  Sometimes it is sports, sometimes it is politics, sometimes it is family.  But anytime we focus on something other than God, we run the risk of turning it into an idol.

 So how do we avoid this, by keeping the focus on God.  This is easier said then done sometimes.  When bills keep coming in, it is easy to focus more on money.  When someone says something you don't like, it is easy to dwell on the hurt feelings or anger.  When the kids have sports and after school activities going on, it is easy to get tied up in helping with them and cheering your kids on.

 There is nothing wrong with focusing on other things for a bit.  For example, when you child is hurt, it is natural to focus more on them than God for that moment.  It is when we dwell on things other than God too much that they start to move towards becoming an idol.  Some times, it takes a conscious effort to keep our focus on God.

 Next time you pray, ask God to show you things in your life that have or are becoming idols to you.  Ask Him if you need to do something to fix that.  And ask Him to help you keep your focus where it should be; on God.

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