Love Jesus More

In John 14:21 Jesus says, “Those who except my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And,because they love me, my father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.”

 Before I became a Christian, I used to live a life of drinking and doing drugs. And after years of prompting by the Lord, I finally excepted Jesus into my heart.

 But, even though I had excepted Jesus into my heart, I was still having a hard time  giving up smoking marijuana. Finally, after months of still smoking, I felt a conviction on my heart. I had to ask myself, or maybe the Holy Spirit was asking me,” who do I love more?”  Do I love Jesus more? Or do I love marijuana more? And the answer was, I love Jesus more. So right then and there, I gave up smoking marijuana.

 People that knew me back then, used to wonder how I gave up smoking marijuana, because I smoked it so much. And the answer was, and is, because I love Jesus more. Amen!

 And ever since, the Lord has always revealed himself to me. Even when he didn’t have to. Blessed be His name!

 God is Good!! Amen!

Pastor Perry Stands