
When you first think about the word lukewarm, you probably don't think about God or what it means beyond the water running from your faucet. But the Bible describes it as something negative in Revelations 3:14-22. Verse 16 it says, “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”  It sounds harsh, but if you look further into the verse, you realize it means that someone may believe Jesus is real, but it doesn’t go much further for them. It only goes skin deep. Unless of course there's trouble in their lives. Then suddenly they start praying, asking for a change and listening to God’s music or reading the Bible. But when the storm is over, or they get what they need, all the praying stops and they go back to the same person as they were before. They forget the things they were promised or the reason for the blessings.

The Bible says even the devil believes so simply believing isn’t enough. James 2:18-26 talks about the fact that we need faith with our works to show we are followers of Christ. Because if you love God you will work to follow Him. Everyone's walk with God looks different. We all have gone through different traumas, experiences, hardships or struggles in our lives that will bring us to different goals. So do not compare yourself to another person, because what you went through is different than what they may have gone through. You will deal with something easier or harder than the next person. God wants us to follow Him, not someone's else's version of their story. We are all unique and special because we are creations of God. He wants to use us for His glory. So, comparing ourselves to another will dim the light God has in us because we have a unique purpose and reason for being here. Our purpose will look different from someone else's, but we should always be bearing the fruit of the Lord. Jesus should be seen coming through our lives not just from our mouths. Other people should be able to see the faith, see the works, see the Jesus in you. If you're in the beginning of your walk with God, remember that as long as you are seeking God's direction every day, He is walking with you. Even when you make mistakes, repent, and start anew. What God asks all of us to do daily is to renew a right spirit in us from Him.


Pastor Rae Lynn