God Never Changes

People change.  As they grow older, they change physically.  As they learn new things their way of thinking can change.  It is not uncommon to hear that, after a traumatic event, someone "changed their ways".

The weather changes.  Anyone living in Minnesota knows this well.  We can experience all four seasons in a single day.  Even for people not living in Minnesota, the seasons still change from Winter to Spring to Summer to Fall.  Even lighting can change as clouds roll in and out or the sun rises and sets.


Everything changes.  There is a line in the song "Tom Sawyer" by Rush that says, "Changes aren't permanent, but change is."  It is something that we can count on.  Sooner or later, things change.


 In fact, there is only one thing that never changes.




In James 1 it says, He does not change like the shifting shadows.  In Psalms 102 it says, He will remain the same, His years never end.  In Malachi 3 God is quoted as saying "Because I the Lord do not change…"  These and several other verses throughout the Bible speak of God's unchanging nature.  


For some, that might hard to understand but think about this.  The God that made the heavens and the earth is the same God who is listening when we pray.  The God that put the stars in the sky and separated the night from the day is the same God who is waiting for us with open arms, waiting for us to ask Him to forgive us and guide us.  The God that made the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea is the same one that loves each and every one of us.


God never changes.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Pastor Ryan Canaday