God Hears Our Prayers--Jeremiah 29:12

We've all been there.  We have some situation going on and we pray about it.  It might be a financial situation, it might be a health situation, or any number of other things going on.  We know that we can't fix the problem or get through it without help and so we turn to God in prayer.

 So we pray.  Sometimes once, sometimes for months on end.  We go up for prayer at every church service.  We are on multiple prayer chains.  We pray every day, at least once, about it.  But no matter how much we pray, it seems like God isn't listening.  The situation gets worse, or stays the same without getting better.  No matter how much we pray, nothing changes.  For some, eventually, they get fed up and quit, convinced that God isn't listening.

 But He is!  God is always listening!  He hears all of our prayers.  There isn't a single prayer that falls of deaf ears.  Jeremiah 29:12 says "In those days when you pray, I will listen."  While that passage is directed at the Israelites just before Babylon conquered them, it still applies today.  God still hears our prayers, and He still answers them.
