Make Life Count!



The struggle is real when we encounter people. We all have our set of opinions and life influences that affect our decision-making process. The best way to look at things is to try and look through and into things and see people through the lens of the eyes of Jesus Christ.

How did Jesus Christ do things? How did he treat people?  How did he go from here to there? Read John 4 and see how Jesus a Jew treated a Samaritan woman. The fact that Jews were not supposed to talk with Samaritans didn’t stop Jesus. Nor did the fact that she had several husbands making her status the low of the low. How would you treat someone of that social standing? How have you treated people like that?

Our first words when meeting someone can be the time that person may come to open their hardened heart and seek to know Jesus. I know I would have in previous encounters, being honest, would have thought, “oh she’s one of them kind of women”.  There is no way I would have been able to talk with her at all, but now Jesus has changed my heart and molded me enough to care about everyone so I can be of help to someone in need.

At one time, I sometimes saw others as hopeless or worthless. God reminds me how hopeless I was and how many times I have fallen short in all I do and speak. We all fall short of the Glory of God and need Jesus as our Savior.

 Are you willing to set your opinions aside to help someone? Are you willing to stay where God has planted you? Are you willing to go where God has called you to go? Are you willing to say Love into someone’s life? Are you willing to sacrifice a dollar to help someone who needs food to eat? Are you willing to sacrifice your time to help someone? Are you willing to give everything God has given you to that person that so desperately needs it? You already know of the blessings in your life that has come from God. Are you willing to care enough to act with what God has given you?

Stand Firm in your Faith. Serve the Lord with all you’ve got. Share the abundance God has given you. Give to those in need. Pray for people. Fast so that God opens your eyes wider than before, and you receive revelation.

Are you storing up your treasures here on earth where they will go to waste? You need to start storing your treasures up in heaven and putting some bling in your crown. Quit worrying because God provides. Ask and it shall be given. Ask, seek, and knock on the door so it can be opened.  

Why do you judge others when you fall short yourself? Narrow is the gate we choose, and it may be tough, but cast away your burdens. What kind of fruit are you bearing? Are you a wise builder who builds your house on the rock Jesus Christ, that is the firm foundation? Or are you that foolish one who goes with the flow to the wide gate with all the flashy things of this world? Are you headed for the Fiery Furnace?

God sees your potential, do you? Use everything you can that God has given you to help the people around you. Do what God is calling you to do. Be strong and courageous. Use every opportunity given to you by the Lord. Choose to do the right thing! That’s MAKING LIFE COUNT! 



  God Bless You All!  Your Associate\ Worship Arts Pastor Kent Furch