1 Samuel 12:21

Idols are generally considered a bad thing, especially in the bible.  The biblical definition of idol is anything that gets between you and God.  That can be good stuff and bad.  Most won't argue that wanting to get good grades in school is a bad thing, but if they become more important to you than God, then that could be an idol.  Other things, like money and politics, can be good or bad depending on your views and how much you focus on them.  If it is more than God. It could be an idol.


For some this devotion to these things goes even further, bordering on worship.  They may be in church on Sunday singing songs of praise to God but in their hearts their idol it's more important. 


That is why, in 1 Samuel 12 says "Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless."  The things we make into idols are just things.  They can be useful or entertaining or satisfying, but they wont save your soul.  They can't answer prayers.  They cant bring true hope and peace.  Only God can do that.


Next time you pray, ask Him if there is anything in your life that it's becoming an idol, and all Him to help you first on Him more than things of this world.  Because, while some may be good, compared to God they are useless.


Pastor Ryan Canaday