What does my future hold?

 As I continue throughout my senior year of High School knowing I have some big choices to make within my life, I realize now I need to keep my foundation and faith solid in the Lord Jesus Christ and he will show me the path. Even though I have to figure out what I want to do with my life and grow up, it can seem overwhelming and stressful but I know that God is in control. I often need to remind myself that even though I don’t know what my future holds, if I keep the faith and keep God at the center of all my thoughts, actions, and intentions, my life will work out the way he has intended for my best benefit.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

I really feel this verse is important to all Chrsitians because it goes to prove that even though we may not at all times see or feel God, we still know that he is there and his favor is upon our lives. When I go through hardships in my life I sometimes think “Why God, why is this happening to me”? But, I realize that I shouldn’t get frustrated because everything happens for a reason, it’s God’s timing not mine. Now as I mature and look at life through a different perspective, I pray not for easy times but for strength to endure whatever life throws at me, good or bad. I change my ways and think “What is this trying to teach me” and “What can I learn from this experience” instead of “Why is this happening to me Lord”? I believe just like the verse says, If I submit myself to his authority and ruling, he will guide me through the storm of life and I shall not perish, but will stand tall and become stronger from it. If the Lord our God will show me the path and guide me through it every step of the way which I know he will, why worry? Why be nervous or scared when we can have comfort and peace knowing that God has everything under control.

Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support as I continue on my journey into becoming an adult.

Thank you & as always, God Bless

Isaac J Sturgeon