How will you respond?

Seventeen years ago before I excepted Jesus in my heart and became a Christian, I used to just work temp jobs and sell marijuana for a living. I worked temp jobs because I liked the freedom of not having to stay at a job I didn’t like and I sold marijuana for the fast money.

But when I became a Christian, I gave that up and “went legit”,as some would say.

So I was trying to get a job that I had experience in and just couldn’t get one.

Now about this time, I had gotten my brother to except Christ in his heart and I know he truly did because the Lord had begun to bless him. My brother got a job at this place I applied three times for.

Now the Lord had also blessed me and my wife, with a big house and a good job for my wife. But with a big house comes big bills and not to mention eight kids to feed and clothe. We just couldn’t keep up with the bills on just my wife’s income. So I was trying my hardest to get a job, but nothing was panning out,and I was getting very frustrated and angry. One day I was to the point of giving up trying to find a job and go back to drug dealing to make the “fast buck” so I could get the bills paid. I’ll just sell drugs until the bills are paid, then I’ll stop, I was thinking. As I was thinking this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and reminded me of the scripture, proverbs 3:5-6” trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take.” And Matthew 11:28”then Jesus said, come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Upon being reminded of these scriptures, I raised my hands and prayed and told the Lord that I’m gonna trust him and I lay my burdens at his feet.

The next day, my brother calls me up and tells me there’s job openings at the place where he works,and that I should apply.

I told him I tried there three times and nothing. He told me to apply and give them his name. He talked to the boss already and he’s keeping an eye out for my application. So I applied and got the job! The Lord opened a door for me!

Then it wasn’t long after that I received an unexpected land payment for $5000!

So I able to pay all of my bills off and I had a good paying job to continue to keep paying my bills. God Is Good!!

That’s when I learned that trust is big with the lord and he wants you to trust him. So trust him with all your heart,soul and strength, and you will find peace in your heart and life. Knowing that the Lord is in control and he will take care of you.

May the Lord bless you always!

Pastor Perry Stands