Testimony Time

In Revelation 12:11, it says “and they defeated him by the blood of the lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die”. Now in the context of this chapter, there was a war in heaven, and the devil and his angels were defeated and sent to earth. But I just wanted to focus on verse 11, because of how they defeated him and his angels. It says, “by the BLOOD of the Lamb, AND by their TESTIMONY”.

First, it shows the POWER of the blood of the Lamb! Amen!

Second, it shows their TESTIMONY! I believe that giving your testimony gives glory to God and according to this verse, has power over the devil!

So we shouldn’t be shy, scared or even hesitant about giving OUR testimony, or even giving A testimony, because we all love giving glory to God. And we just might get a soul saved! Amen!

May the God of the universe bless you all. Amen!     

 Pastor Perry Stands                                                                                                                  
