Pray Continually

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray continually”

Easier said than done sometimes.  While we usually have no problem praying during designated prayer times, such as during church, before a meal, or while tucking the kids into bed, it is other times that tend to be more difficult.  Times like when someone you love is being rushed to the hospital.  Times like when things aren't going quite how you want them to.  Times like when you are mowing the lawn.


Sometimes it is for good reason.  You are worried or concerned or panicking.  Prayer is the last thing on your mind.  Often in situations like that it isn't uncommon to turn to prayer later, after calming down a bit or learning more about the situation. 


Other times we turn to prayer in desperation, not knowing what else to do.  We need God's help and guidance after exhausting all other options.  We realize there is nothing else we can do so we turn to God, almost like a last resort.


Then there are the times when everything is fine.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and all is right in the world.  With no need to ask for God's help, we don't think to pray.


The Bible says to pray without ceasing.  Ideally that means that you would pray at all times, never stopping, but obviously that isn't possible.  What is possible however is praying whether we need to or not.  Praying when we are in danger and when we are at work.  We can pray at any time, for any reason.  It doesn't matter if we are asking God for help or if we are thanking Him, we can pray.


With God's help, our instinct in good times and bad will be to pray, no matter where we are or what we are doing.  Ask God to help you pray without ceasing.

Pastor Ryan Canaday