Leading Life with a Purpose

I believe I have been called to be a light to those around me. All those around me. Sharing God’s Word, His Love, and letting people know about His son Jesus Christ and what was done for us on Calvary is what I feel called to do.

Living my life with this purpose has been hard and at times very challenging. But knowing God is right beside me and He has gone before me is what comforts me and strengthens me. Having the Holy Spirit as a guide has gotten me to the place I think will continue the rest of my days!

What is your purpose in life? Has God shown you your purpose in life?

Go to Jeremiah 29:11. For God has a plan for you in your life and what you need to do is ask Him what that plan is. Is it something that brings life to you? Is it something that makes you feel good? Is it something that brings you joy? Is it something that helps others? Is it something that you have skills to do? I want to be the person that in all I do and say brings “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Against these things there is no such law.” Galatians 5:22-23.

God wants to bring life in all you do and to those around you. Ask Him what your purpose is. God wants to share His Joy with you. Ask Him for His joy in what you are doing. God always wants us to help those around us. Ask Him for boldness and a giving heart. Has God called you to do something with your skills? Do you feel lacking? Ask Him to help bring you an abundance of what you need.

You see once you understand that God wants to help you and those around you, it is then that you can live life with a purpose to show everyone around you what God has done for you and what God wants to do in those around you. God gives freely to those who ask and living life with a purpose is what He intends for us. We are not here by coincidence. Nor are we here to just survive, but He has so much more for you and so many blessings for you and those around you. Be that light God has called you to be and be effective only the way you can be. Let the Holy Spirit cover you and fill you and wash you clean and let us be so full of joy that it is contagious to everyone we meet! That is “Leading Life with a Purpose”. God bless you all who have read this and may he fill you with His Love and His ways in Jesus Name Amen.


Your Associate and Worship Arts

Pastor Kent Furch