Count your Blessings Big and Small!

        So, after having a chance to bring Gods word to the congregation Sunday and leading a few songs of praise at the right to life service being blessed from both of these services. Brenda and I head home after being there for about ten minutes unloading the vehicle I sit down, and my youngest granddaughter Tessa is walking like an ape making us laugh one minute later she is dancing the next minute jumping on our couch static electricity making her hair stand on end making us laugh even harder. Full of energy and life sharing herself with us to see.

                 Blessing after blessing after blessing just one day Sunday starts off seeing all the beauty of the frosty trees getting to see that kind of beauty some can only dream about and look at in pictures, I got to see all the trees powerlines houses all frosted. Get to the church have an amazing rehearsal with the worship team so much talent and beautiful hearts sharing their gifts using them to help others. A lead Pastor with a true heart of God helping praying spending time for the congregation. Having members giving words of encouragement to me before and after the service.

                                         So, let’s go back to Saturday getting to go to a birthday party for my oldest granddaughter Daisy Mae. Seeing the excitement as each person entered the room realizing that that many people love her, she was showing it all over her face! Getting to watch the other children excited with the little gifts and trinkets of birthday party. These are the little every day blessings some big some small. All of which come from God. God has blessed me with 4 awesome children and 5 grandchildren so far! God has given all health and myself and my family. Blessed and highly favored by my father in heaven who loves me.  

                           I get to go to a job everyday earn income to live off of God giving me the ability to do so. Have a boss who is very understanding easy to talk with and also have a friendship with. Another blessing. Having the chance to go to school and learn more about God while earning my degrees to becoming a certified, licensed, Ordained Pastor meeting many people who are helpful and getting to know others.  So now that I believe yall are getting a picture of what I am talking about. Lets look at some scripture.

                     James 1:17, ASV

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning.    Psalms 127:3-5, ASV


3 Lo, children are a heritage of Jehovah;

And the fruit of the womb is his reward 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man,So are the children of youth.5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:They shall not be put to shame,

When they speak with their enemies in the gate. Children are a blessing from God and I am thankful for all of mine. God has given me blessing after blessing from sunrises to sunsets to rainbows and warm summer days to beautiful spring green days to fall days where I get to hunt and see the beautiful animals and lakes rivers streams songs of the birds colors and plumage and flowers of all kinds and colors.

           God has given me a precious wife who stands by me and supports me year after year going on 30 years this year. God has given many people on the worship teams he has me on to help. Given me so much. What about this how blessed am I that I would have a king die on the cross for my sins? I am trying to paint a picture of how much God loves that he just keeps giving to us. Count your blessings everyone. Focus on all he has done for you put your trust in him that he will be there for you and teach you.  I Love to ride motorcycles God decided one year it was time to get me riding again so I had one given to me then I didn’t have one guess what God says once again someone else gives me a bike When God decided for the second time I needed a bike I decided to buy another one he knew how much I enjoyed it and made it happen. When you think there is not a way and it cant happen God steps in and says something different. I could go on and on about how God has blessed me and my life but I am just trying to set the stage for yall look at your lives what has God delivered you from what has he delivered you to what has he delivered to you. Yes read that all again.      

                God has definitely given me a double portion, financial abundance, restorations of many kinds when I say that I don’t mean I am rich and have lots of money but God has always provided for my needs.

                 Luke 6:38, ASV


38 give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again.  

  This next one is a huge blessing. Philippians 4:7, ASV


7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.  I want to have a heart for Jesus and others and my thoughts to be from the Lord! Ephesians 3:20, ASV

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

I hope that in reading this you have turned your thoughts to that in which God has blessed you. Can you see the blessings in your life? Has God delivered you of an addiction? Has God given you a great Job? How about an amazing spouse? How about children? How about great Parents? How about an ability to cook? How about an ability to pray with others? How about an ability to talk with people? How about a physical ability to work on cars? How about a mind and ability to crochet Quilt, sew?  I hope and pray I got you thinking a little bit. Lord I ask that whoever read this be blessed even more and you open doors in there life to help others out in Jesus name I pray Amen.                                                               

                                                                             God bless you all Sincerely your worship arts Pastor

                                                                                                       Kent Furch