Influences & Accountability

Greetings everyone, today I would like to talk to you about the importance of having good influences and how it affects your daily life and habits alike.

1st Corinthians 15:33 - “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.”

Coming up on my halfway point of my Senior year, I continue to believe that I have made good decisions on whom I trust and associate with. It’s very important to spend your time wisely. Notice I say time and do not mention money, for money comes and goes but time you can never get back. Who you spend your time with will influence and shape you into what you become. Therefore be wise in your friends, company and all that you do. These people and things can mold habits into you that are hard to break, good or bad. Many of you know my Brother in Christ Dakota, he and I have started an accountability group with one another. We make sure to keep each other accountable and motivated to continue to work out and become stronger physically and spiritually alike.

Proverbs 27:17 -  “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

This goes with my journey alongside Dakota, we both sharpen one another and keep each other accountable for working out and becoming better than we were yesterday. Just as I work with Dakota, I also practice and perform alongside my fellow Euphonium players in my High School Symphonic Band. Within my section there is myself and two other Euphonium players, and we always are helping out one another and pushing each other to become better and smarter musically. I definitely recommend having at least one person who you can become stronger with consistently, it helps in keeping everyone motivated throughout the process and developing healthy habits for all involved.

God Bless & Thank You For Your Time

Isaac J Sturgeon