Making Disciples

The Gospels “The Great Commission”


In all four gospels, we see in the last chapter of each book what they call: The Great Commission. That is when Jesus had risen from the dead, and was coming to the disciples before he went to be in heaven with the Father. In Matthew, Jesus says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” One of the last things he tells them to do, is to go and tell the world about who He is, and make more people who love the Lord God. To go and make disciples. So, that means we are to tell people about Jesus; to share our testimonies so other people can be saved. It does not say only pastors or teachers can do this, no, it just says go.

So, whoever believes in the name of Jesus, that Jesus is Lord and gives their life to Him, they are to go and make disciples. What does that mean exactly? It also says to teach and baptize in the name of the Lord. When you talk with someone about Jesus and they accept Him as their savior, then the teaching from you will come. To be invested in their lives; to walk beside them so they have someone to help them when trials come. Someone to say: “I know the way to get through this. Let us do this together.” We as humans were not meant to be alone, and do this thing called life alone. We are all connected because we are made in the image of God. If He says He desires to be with us, to know us, to love us, and He gave His life for us to have eternity, then we also are NOT meant to be alone.

We need each other in our lives to strengthen our faith. Iron sharpens iron, and so do disciples make more disciples. That is what the early churches did. They did not start building a church, then preach and teach. No, they preached, taught, and baptized wherever there was a need. They went and made disciples who made disciples who made disciples. See the pattern. We are supposed to be duplicating ourselves as Christians.

He said, “Go into all the world.” So that means we are to go where Jesus sends us, and then to make disciples. That is our mission for following Jesus. We cannot be a body of Christ that sits in church on Sundays or Wednesdays and then that is it. We go about our week doing what we want to, without giving thought to what we are called to do. And please do not say that God has not called you, because the scripture says we are all called. Jesus does not give a certain set of people these commands; no, it says to go into all the nations and spread the word of God, making disciples.

So, what can you do in your life that will help make disciples? How about starting with just one person, then help that person make one disciple. Start with sharing your testimony, your story, and what God has done for you. If you pray and ask God to help you, then He will place people before you that you can move on. Just take that step, and pray for guidance. Pray for clarity on who He has in your path. Then, take a leap of faith and go make disciples.


God bless.

 Pastor Rae Lynn Stands