Invisible Faith

It is easy to put our faith in things we can see and touch, but not so much in things we cannot.


One of the definitions of faith is "Complete Trust." When we place our trust in God, it needs to be complete trust; all, or nothing. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.  We have enough trouble trusting people and things that we can see. How much harder is it when it is something we cannot see.


Billy Graham once used wind as an example. He said that while he could not see the wind, he could see the effects of the wind. He could see the leaves blowing in the branches. He could feel the wind on his face. While he could not see it, he trusted that it was there because he could see the effect it had on things.


That is how we know we can trust God. While we might not be able to see Him, we can see what He has done, what He is doing in our lives and what He is doing in the lives of others. Even if we cannot give Him our complete trust, we can have faith that God is there and working in our lives and in the world today, no matter what happens. It may be tough, and there will be times that we take actions into our own hands instead of trusting in God, but with His help, we can trust Him always.

Pastor Ryan Canaday