Idols Are Temporary

Everyone has things in their lives that demand a lot of their attention.  Some of them are bad, like drugs and alcohol.  Some are good, like family, school, and your favorite sports team.  Others can go either way, like Politics.  All of these are things that we tend to focus on, but some times we focus too much on them.


When that happens, they become an idol to us.  Often we may not even realize it.  What started out as talking about politics with a friend become the main thing you talk about, read about, and think about.  You want to get good grades so you study hard and then next thing you know you are spending most of your time studying.  You start working a few more hours a week to make a bit more money and before you know it you're at work more then you are at home.  When we start focusing on things more then God, they become an idol.


Again, some of the stuff mentioned aren't bad by themselves.  They only become idols when we focus on them more then God.  He is the one we should be focusing on the most.  When we do, it is a way we can worship God.  If we are focusing on other things more then Him, then we are worshiping those instead.


Next time you are praying, ask God to show you things in your life that are idols, or are becoming idols, and then ask Him to help you focus on Him more.  Idols are temporary, but God is forever.