God At The Center

In our busy world, we are constantly on the go.  Even when we are sitting down at home and relaxing,  there is still stuff that pulls us in different directions.  Kids, making supper, chores, ect.  Even if none of that applies, there is still tv, sports, and our phones to demand our attention.


In our busy world, we need to remember to keep God at the center of everything we do.  Our lives, our relationships, our jobs, our marriages, all need to be centered around God.  According to Jesus, this is the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37)


By centering our lives on God, it will help us to follow Him more closely.  It will help us to see others as He sees them, It will help us to share His love with others.  Most importantly, when we make God the center of our lives, it helps us to make everything we do an act of worship.


So how do we put God at the center?  Jesus said it best.  “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’"  Ask God to help you put Him first in your life.  Ask Him to show you anything that is getting between you and God.  Ask Him to help you focus our life, your family, and everything you do around Him.