Gen Z - An Opportunity

Gen Z are people born between 2000 and 2012 and are an incredibly diverse group. Almost half are non-Caucasian at 48% compared to baby-boomers at about 18%. 1 in 3 teens identify themselves as LGBTQ. Studies have shown that today's teens are twice as likely to identify as atheist than previous generations with nearly half (45%) having never attended a church service. Even as discouraging as that sounds, the same study noted that teens who do identify as Christian are very engaged with their church. And better yet they are engaged with the word of God on the daily. To me this shows opportunity.


Gen Z is very devoted in everything they do, they are a generation seeking authenticity, and I believe it is our job as the Church to show them the authenticity of our Lord Jesus. The word tells us we need to tell them the wonders of God. 

Psalm 78: O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. 


With Gen Z it must be more than just telling them the truth. We must be authentic in our love for them. It's hard to not see someone who is living in sin or who is against God as a person who is against us as Christians. But this is truly a trap from Satan. We have all sinned and are all in need of the Savior and we can't forget that.


Gen Z is a generation that is afraid to offend anyone, so they often don’t engage in conversations about religious matters. But if we have authentic love for them and for who they are, they will listen. I believe we have a lot to learn from Gen Z as the church. They remind us that Love is the most important thing we have as Christians. We must show them the love of God, because the love of God is so much Greater than the love the world offers. We must show them that their identity is so much more than sexual feelings. We must show them that they have an identity rooted in their creator and they were made for a purpose. They are not here by accident and God didn’t make a mistake in making them.


As the Church let's stop trying to drag them to God but rather let’s come beside them where they are and seek the Lord with them. I pray that long attending church members look at Gen Z and that they feel convicted about their own quality of love. We should never get so caught up with our hate of sin that we make sinners feel hated. Rather we should be so caught up with our love of Christ that we can’t help but to make sinners feel loved. Jesus loved first and told people they don't have to be defined by their sin.


So, if you have the opportunity to interact with Gen Z, see it as an opportunity to love deeper, to listen and sympathize with them. Remember the fact that they are growing up in an incredibly confusing time. But that God made them for a time like this. 


God Bless, Pastor Brenan