Focus on God

"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne."

Hebrews 12:2


It is really easy to get distracted and take your focus off God sometimes. You get busy at work, the kids have lots going on or you are spending time with family and friends. Sometimes even normal everyday things can distract us and cause us to take our eyes off God.  


As believers, we need to be intentional about keeping our focus on God.  It can be very easy to skip reading the Bible because you must do something else.  It can be very easy to not spend time in prayer because something comes up that requires your attention. However, when we make it a point focus on God, a few things happen.


First, as we spend more time with God, it becomes easier to focus on Him.  Second, we start to think and act differently.  It becomes easier to see people as God sees them and to act in a way that can glorify God. Lastly, we grow closer to Him, which is the best reason of all to focus on God.


With that in mind, start making time for God today.  Plan a certain time every day, even if it’s only 20 minutes, and make Him your main focus for that time. Read the word, meditate on a particular passage of scripture, spend time in prayer. Then, find times throughout the day where you can add more of Him or His Word to your day. Perhaps you could listen to worship music on your way to work, pray while you are in the shower, or listen to a Christian podcast while doing dishes. When we love someone, we will make time for them. If you’re struggling to find ways to spend more time focusing on God, ask Him to help you find ways to spend more time with Him and help you grow closer to Him. 

Pastor Ryan Canaday