Achievements: Are they Bad or Good?

So, let’s think about this for a few minutes. We must look at the whole picture to really get an idea. Why don’t we use weightlifting as an example.

A lot of things could go into this for sure. Flat top Freddy goes to the gym, and he bench presses 150 lbs. Pretty good considering he never lifted weights, but he notices the guy 2 spots down from him is bench pressing 315 lbs. This guy is smaller than him and doesn’t look like he’s in that good of shape so Flat top Freddy says to himself I should be able to do this by next year.

At first thought I would say he is comparing himself with this other guy and we really need to steer clear of those thoughts because God calls us to be everything, He has for us to be. We will not be the same as the person that is next to you.

Flat top Freddy was not looking at the guy in this way he just wanted to set some kind of goal and get a little stronger. I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. Time goes by one month 2 then 3 then 6 then 8 and he’s only at 205. He is kind of disappointed, so he starts looking at what others are doing to help them and asks a guy he sees what do you do before you work out? Good idea, right? Well could be. So, he gets the low down on this guy’s routine, and he goes to the nutrition store gets some protein powder and goes to the store gets a dozen eggs. He’s only out 90 dollars and he wants to make his goal. So, another month goes by, and he is only upped to 225 disappointed again he finds another really in shape fella and asks him, he says “…ah that’s where you are going wrong you need to not only do this before but during your work out…”

Flat top Freddy realizes that he is running out of protein powder, so he gets twice as much so he has enough to last. So twice the money twice the prep time. Time goes by and he’s 11 months now and only was able to get to 255. Now frustration sets in. He’s been asking all the right questions but just not getting the results he wants. Once again, he finds another guy who is in phenomenal shape, and he is told what you do after your work out to help your tired muscles. Yep, you guessed right this guy does it after as well. So thrice the amount of time to take it now, thrice the amount of money and thrice the amount of time he spends on it.

Another month goes by and Flat top Freddy has not reached his goal. Well, I am just going to have to spend more time at the gym and maybe go at night as well. Meanwhile he has been losing out on time with his wife and kid. I am going to get this no matter what. He’s made up his mind and he’s going to do it. Another 3 months go by and he’s exhausted all the time irritated and missing out on his family.

He almost has it jumped all the way to 295 and he’s only got 20 to go. Focused even more now it has become this thing that has consumed a lot of money and taken a lot of time away from other things. Not realizing the toll, it has had on himself and his family he goes ahead spends more time away from them and 7 months more he finally hits the weight the goal the achievement!

Let’s look at the positive things that happened. He made his goal weight, he learned a few things to help him, learned to train harder and paid attention to details from others to help him. The negatives are, he spent too much time over his 1 year plan and spent a lot more money and time away from his family than he should have.

He became obsessed with the final achievement at all costs. His wife decided she had enough of his never being home, so she gives him an ultimatum. So, he quits the gym and is starting to get back on track at home but realizes all the muscle he had gotten in the past over a year and a half has left him and now he has gained a lot of weight. In only 6 months lost muscle and gained a lot of unwanted pounds.

So, the point I am making there is always good things that happen but there is also bad when we are striving to achieve something in life. We have to pay attention and really ask ourselves, but more importantly those around us too, because we get caught up in things and before you know it we have gone too far and taken a wrong turn and created more of a mess than what we did good for ourselves. I am sure Flat top Freddy is a good guy and weightlifting is a great way to stay in shape if you desire that and have ample amount of time.

Ask yourself a few questions. Does my goal achievement better me and my loved ones? Is this what God wants me to be doing with my very valuable time and what will I have to quit doing to allow time for this? Should extra money be spent on this and what else must get cut out so I can do it? Now it is getting real.

Is there more bad that is going to happen or more good going to happen when I strive towards this achievement? You can find bad and good in any one thing you do, however the most important thing you need to ask yourself is this, Is this in Gods plan for my life?

I will leave you with this. Our checks and balances in life the people that are closest to you and who Love you. 1 God, 2 Spouse, 3 Children, 4 Close friends relatives and people you know who have your best interest at heart. Jer. 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Love Ya’ll Thanks for reading

Your Worship Arts Pastor

Kent Furch