I Will be a Father to You

“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” 2 Corinthians 6:18


 We all have Fathers.


Some people have really great fathers, others have really bad ones. Some people, for various reasons, don't have a father at all.


Regardless of your situation, fathers, or a father figure of some sort, are an important part of our lives.  A quick google search results in multiple reports of the effect of a father being present in a child's life vs being absent.  Some of the statistics regarding a fatherless home are downright frightening.  A 1998 study by the Department of Justice showed that 63% of teen suicides, 70% of kids in juvenile detention, and 75% of teens in substance abuse programs had no father figure growing up.  Several of the statistics in the report have increased dramatically since then.  The importance of a father or father figure in our life cannot be understated.  


Whether you have a father in your life or not, there is one Father that loves you very much.  One Father that will never leave you.  One Father who was willing to do whatever it takes to be with you.


Whether you had a great father or a lousy one, God is there.  Whether your father was there for everything you ever did or you never knew him, God is there.  He gladly calls you His child.  All you have to do is ask.




Pastor Ryan Canaday

Northwood Church

Associate and Family Ministries Pastor