Trusting God's Plan

God has a plan.  We might not always see it, but He does.  I've been thinking about that a lot lately, considering everything that has been going on in the world.


We don't always know what that plan is, but He has one.  Sometimes we find it out right away, sometimes it is a month or two later, and sometimes we never find it out this side of heaven.  But He does have one.


The issue is we often have trouble trusting in God and that He knows what He is doing.  We have no issue trusting people, ideologies, and things.  Stuff we can see.  Stuff that can let us down and fail us.  God will never fail us.  He will never let us down.  But we still have trouble trusting Him. 


Next time you are praying, ask God to help you trust in Him.  While it won't necessarily help make the situation easier, it will give you peace to help you get through it.


Lord, help me to put my faith and trust in You and not in things of this world. Amen

Pastor Ryan Canaday