Recognize our Blessings

Life is full of looking at our days and communicating about them. So let me tell you about the weekend.

Oh man, I must get up just as early as I usually do; drive for 2 hours and go to school, then sit in a chair all day. It’s my only day off and my back is going to hurt so bad, and my legs will fall asleep so I can’t feel my legs then they will hurt. The food they give will probably be cold and rubbery. Its nice outside for once and I am stuck in this class all day. Why can’t it be over? Then I am going to have to drive 2 hours home and drop a guy off that rides with me. Now it’s too late to do anything.

Sunday morning trying to get ready, and my pants button comes off. Now I have to pick out something else. Oh, great really, 40 minutes before we are supposed to be there someone cancels. Now I must lead. What a day already. Someone else just 15 minutes before worship is not going to make it, wow ok. The sound system is acting up again, in-ears buzzing bad, and I can’t hear anything. Great, now what keyboard isn’t working; what else can go wrong?  After this I’ll be back at work tomorrow and I never even got to rest at all.

Don’t even mention the roads, potholes everywhere yesterday on the way. Also, being blinded by the stupid sun I could hardly even see, and where do these other drivers get their license from, a cracker jack box? Wow some people anyways. Do not get me started on the roads that are closed. It seems I take a different way every single time I go and if it’s not the roads I always miss my turn. Stupid GPS is loud and annoying and gives me wrong roads. I bet the guy that rides with me doesn’t even like me, he just needs a ride and he’s probably not even a true friend he just talks all the time because he thinks I am boring. Not to mention my wife probably doesn’t even remember what I look like, I am always at work hardly ever home. And my grandson is scared of me because he thought I was someone else that sounded like Papa.

Lord, are you even paying any attention to what is going on? 

How would you ever be able to see a Blessing in this mess of a situation? We are so busy focusing on the things that are bad and we give no thought to what God has blessed us with. Now all these things happened, and the negative thoughts do come into your head, but we need to focus on the good in every situation and dwell on them. So let me tell you about the same weekend with a thankful, grateful, and loving heart. Maybe at the end of the next story you will realize there is always a different way to look at things. Blessings are always there every day every minute we just fail to see them because we are focused on the situation and not having our eyes where they need to be.

Proverbs 4:18-27, KJV

18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.  19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.  20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.  21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.  22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.  24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.  25 Let thine eyes look right on and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.  26 Ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established.  27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

Story #2: So, let me tell you about my weekend. Praise God I get to go to school tomorrow its going to be great! Dear Lord, I ask you keep us safe and give us the route that we will enjoy the most keeping us away from danger. Hmm never thought of this. WO! I know why I never take the same way twice; God is protecting me from accidents and things that will hurt me! He is so great! Also, with having so many ways I have seen so many different lakes and trees and nature and God knows how much I love to see these things. Thank you, God. I wouldn’t have to leave quite so early but we found this restaurant that is super great, and the price isn’t bad either. It gives us time to talk and encourage one another. Thank you, God, for directing us to this place off the main road, and also good I don’t like traffic so thank you for clearing the way.

Lord, I know it was kind of a bright drive today, but I am so glad to see the sunshine and so beautifully off a bunch of pheasants along the road. Worship is always good in the morning and gets us ready to learn your word. I am grateful to have someone riding with me to help with directions because of the different roads we take. I have had a chance to hear many scriptures from my rider and he even reads questions, so we study, and have had so many prayers and got to know some of the things on his heart that are things on mine. Thank you for a brother in Christ who builds me up and helps me with my studies and be a navigator. You knew I needed one. Well, on our way home now; earlier than I expected and then I can prepare for tomorrow.

Sunday morning, oh no button broke; that’s ok maybe time to retire those old pants that are getting faded.  Besides God gave me better stuff anyway for free that was a tailored fit! The sound board is acting up, but I know you have it under control and when things go wrong you always have a great message to be heard. In-ears were buzzing but it will get better, and it did. Well, got a call and I am leading today last minute. But it’s all good, I know all the songs. Thank you, Lord, for giving me so many talented people and allowing me so many breaks so I can focus on school. They were all songs I love to lead, and the service was off the hook even though rehearsal was tough.  You made it all happen and the Holy Spirit showed up and touched people today.  Seems as though I do not get much time with my wife, but she was able to go out with her sister and our 2 daughters. So funny that my grandson was afraid of me, I shaved my beard, and he sure was looking at me weird.    

It would be very easy to focus on the bad things and never see the blessings that are right in front of us all day long every day. 

Lord keep our ears hearing Your word, our hearts filled with Your love our eyes fixed on You, let us be that light to others. 

Start the day off praying, reading the word and look to God.   You will start seeing blessings if you slow down and pay attention to all the little things that make you smile and warm your heart.  Surround yourself with those that build you up. I have had so many blessings this past year I could not possibly list them. So I say to all who read this, quit focusing on things that are negative, thoughts and situations; and find the good things to think on and you will find the blessings that were there all the long.

Thank you all who read these and God please show them the blessings in their lives!                    


Have a great week Sincerely Your                                                                                                                                 

Worship Arts Pastor Kent Furch