Just Do It--James 1:22

Ever put up a tent at the start of summer and then, the next time you put it up a few months later, you forget how to put it up and have to look at the instructions again?  How about programming something like the clock in your car, and then forget how to do it when your battery dies or it is daylight savings time?  What about playing a game for the first time after several years and, even though you played it a lot at the time, you don't remember how to play?

 We've all had moments like that.  You read or hear how to do something, and then you forget.  A lot of times, when we notice it, it is for something relatively unimportant, like the examples above.  But when it comes to the Bible,  it isn't uncommon for us to forget what it says.  No matter how focused on God we might be, We will forget, or even worse ignore, what the Bible says in different situations.

 Maybe we did something wrong so we lie in an attempt to not be punished.  Maybe we are mad about what someone said or did, so we react out of anger and hatred simply because they believe something we don't.  Maybe we just ignore or forget what the Bible says because following it would inconvenience us or be too hard.

 James 1 talks about this.  It says that we shouldn't just hear or read what the Word of God says, we should actually do it!  James compares it to looking in a mirror and then forgetting what you look like as soon as you look away.  Unfortunately a lot of people do this in one way or another.

 It can be difficult to always act in a way that glorifies God, and we will fail often, no matter how hard we try.  But with God's help, we can do it and show others God's love through what we say and do.  So Ask God to help you focus on Him and guide our actions.  One of the best ways to spread the Word of God is by living it.
