Hebrews 12:2

In Matthew 14, we read about a time when Jesus sent His disciples on ahead of Him while He prayed.  When He was done, the boat that the disciples were in was quite a ways from shore.  Jesus walked out to them and as He got close Peter saw Him.. After Jesus called out to him, Peter climbed out of the boat and started walking across the water towards Jesus.  Then, when he stopped looking at Jesus and started looking around, Peter got scared and started sinking in the water.


When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we treat people differently.  We think differently.  We react to situations differently.  We want to be more like God.  Sure we will still face situations where we react like the rest of the world reacts,  but we are less likely to do so, because no matter how bad the situation is, we have God on our side, and that gives us hope.


When we stop focusing on God that changes us too.  We create a hole in our lives and try to fill it in various ways.  We start to let the world tell us what is important and how we should act instead of letting God guide us.  Just like Peter, we start sinking.


Lord, help us to keep our focus on You.

Pastor Ryan Canaday