God's Love For Us

What does this look like? One-word sums this up. JESUS!

So lets start at the beginning. In Genesis we read that god created man. Seeing that man needed a helper he made woman to help man. God loved us enough to give us a lifelong companion. He picked our spouse ahead of time to help complete who we are.

             Many blessings we cannot even count have happened in our lives. Brenda, my amazingly beautiful wife has been with me for over 31 years. We will be married for 30 years on November 20th this year. God brought us together and has blessed us with 4 children. God loves us and gave us these beautiful children.

  Miranda, my oldest, is such a gift to us she was gifted a beautiful daughter our granddaughter Daisy Mae what a beautiful ray of sunshine she is to us. She is married to Jake who loves to race cars and loves Miranda and Daisy.

           Our oldest son Malachi our second gift from God is married to Cassie who had a son already Aiden a gift from God and together they had a beautiful daughter our granddaughter Tessa who is as sturdy as they come and so joyful.

         Our youngest daughter Samantha our 3rd gift from God is married to Zack and they were given a daughter our Granddaughter Sophie and were also given a son our grandson Zander so much energy these 2 have wow.

   Our youngest son Kent Jr. the miracle that wasn’t supposed to happen God said I Love you enough to give you another son. Miracles are Gods business. He loves us enough to give us the desires of our heart. Many prayers and hard years God loves us and sometimes we just have to wait for years even but it doesn’t mean he forgot about us or doesn’t love us he knows best and has the right timing.

Psalm 37:4 English Standard Version

4 Delight yourself in the Lord,

    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Like I just said before its not always right away your way we live in a fast food thinking state and that is not how God works. He is not a God of our timing he is a all-knowing God who has the best for us in his timing.

  If you have never read Psalm 37 take the time and read this. God loves me enough to give me 4 children and 5 grandchildren and many more to come. The thing of it is God Loves us so much and blesses us each and every day!  

               God gave his one and only begotten son to die on a cross for all of us. This is true love by our father in heaven to send his son to be a sacrifice for us. To stand in place of us so we could spend eternity in heaven with him. He could of just let things be and we get what we deserve but he is a forgiving loving God who longs to hear from us.

The Lord Will Be Gracious

Is.30:18 Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you,

    and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you.

For the Lord is a God of justice;

    blessed are all those who wait for him.

So I challenge each of you reading this count the things that God has blessed you with. Gods love is all around us everywhere we go everything we see. From spring flowers to the first cry of your newborn baby to the gift of music God has placed in you to the gift of his word to learn by to the friends God has put in your life to your family or new family church family work family. God has done so much for us because of love. Our example is right in front of us we need to choose to live like God loves us we need to love others so they can know that Love God sent for us Jesus Christ died for us the ransom so we could fellowship with him forever!

The ultimate action of Love sacrificing his own son Jesus so we could fellowship with him forever. Love is first from God. Then Jesus obeyed his father and followed through with the plan and showed us Love. He gave us 2 commands Love God and love our neighbor as ourself. He showed us (actions) by the many acts of the things which he did while here on earth from healing the blind to healing the leprosy to making 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish feed 5000+ by leaving the Holy Spirit to guide us. How can I possibly begin to comprehend the love God has for us?

    Pray for a heart and mind to show love in all we do to be like the examples God has given us. Lord I ask right now everyone reading this is given eyes to see like you ears that hear like you and a heart that can receive what you have for them so they can be that love people see and wonder what do they have that makes them this way, Lord let us Love people enough so they  to come before you and learn of your son Jesus who died for them on the cross in Jesus name Amen.

 Have a great week God Bless Ya’ll

 Your Worship Arts

Pastor Kent Furch