Do Not Fear--Isaiah 41:10

Bad things happen.


Some times they are undeniably bad.  Things like losing a job, losing a loved one, and being diagnosed with a serious illness


Other times it is subjective.  You might be upset because your favorite team lost, but for someone else it is a good thing.  The store is out of your favorite cereal, but someone had to get that last box and are probably happy.


Regardless of the circumstances, in that moment, things are bad.  It may get better in seconds, or it might not get better at all.  We may get mad, we may cry, we may get depressed. Sometimes it seems like it will never get better or we don't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

 But guess what…

 No matter how bad things seem or are, God is with us.  His word says we don't need to fear, because He is with us.  He will give us the strength to get through the things we can't get through ourselves.  We can turn to Him when things are bad and we don't see how they can get better.  He might not take away the bad things, but He can give us the peace we need to deal with them. 


 Because He is our God.