Thursday Thought - 10/3/2024 - I Thank God

I recently had the opportunity to attend a prayer retreat where I had a unique vantage point of the whole proceeding.

See, I am a technician at heart.  I have run audio and video since high school av club with film strips synced to an audio cassette tape.  Yep, I’m “seasoned”.  And I was invited to serve on the team that got to bring the worship for our retreat.

And standing (sometimes sitting) behind the sound board brings a very intimate view of how people are affected by teachings and worship.

I grew up in the church.  My mother made sure that I understood who Jesus was, what He did for me, and where I got to go if I believed that He died for my sins and He rose again.  And I have held onto this promise my whole life.  In fact, as I get older, this promise becomes more and more a lifeline to my whole existence.  But as a kid growing up, you don’t think about things like fasting, or sacrifice.  And this retreat was all about both.

When you watch people who don’t know they are being watched, that is when you see the true character of people sometimes.  As an audio technician, I got to watch people overwhelmed by the Spirit of God, see humbleness in praying for one another, see people at some of their most vulnerable.

And God is there.  I watched as people were asking God for healing, were praying together over sorrows, as people sought forgiveness and repentance.  And sometimes it isn’t pretty and scripted and follows all the correct procedures.  Sometimes God just comes in, and order goes out the window!  He will have His way!!

I thank God for the unique vantage point I had at this event.  I thank God for the really, really good people that I know who make up the MN District of the Assemblies of God.  I thank God for his direction in the lives of so many leaders in all of these spiritual matters.  And I thank God for giving me the presence of that time, to take it in.  To process it and understand that seeing God’s people isn’t always about the pomp and circumstance, but can be, and will be completely about God moving in the exact direction that He wants things to go.

For God moving in lives, for God directing in plans, for God loving us so.

I thank God.
