Our Mission
To authentically reach, teach, and equip people to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire to see those away from God, and those who know God, to draw close to God.
Our Vision
Devoted to Christ. Declaring the Truth. Driven by Love.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12 niv
connect with us in the following ways:
Church Services and Special Events
Email: Admin@NorthwoodchurchRF.org
Facebook: Northwood Church Redwood Falls
Instagram: @NorthwoodchurchRF
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9am - 5pm
Sunday Morning Service: 10am (K-5 Kids Church, Nursery)
Sunday Evening Service: 6pm (K-5 Kids Church, Nursery)
Wednesday Night Adults: 7pm (Nursery)
Wednesday Youth Group: 7pm
Wednesday K-5 Kids: 7pm
Our Pastor
Pastor Tony Vietti is an Ordained Pastor in the Assemblies of God Church and serves as the Lead Pastor at Northwood Church in both Redwood Falls, and Springfield. In addition to preaching, Pastor Tony also teaches at the Minnesota School of Ministry for the Minnesota Assemblies of God District.
Pastor Tony and his wife Brenda are very excited and humbled to be a part of the growing communities at Northwood Church in Redwood Falls and Springfield.
“I want Northwood Church to be a genuine place where people can come to seek and meet God. There are so many hurting people - we want to let them know that they are loved; not only by us, but by the Most Majestic King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Our Savior and Father - Christ the Lord.”
Pastor Tony and Brenda have 6 children (2 by marriage) and 4 grandboys.